Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Who Am I?

Happy Mother's Day to all my female readers! I had an awesome first mother's day on Sunday!!! I thank God for the priviledge to be the mother of a beautiful baby girl!

To all my readers that are trusting God for a baby, I have good news for you! It's going to happen before you know it, because God has promised that none of his children will be barren (Exodus 23:26; Deu.7:14). Shortly after I got married, there were infertilty scares but I turned to God and reminded him of his Word and he rewarded my faith in him. I'm not special, I'm just a believer. Be encouraged today, God is faithful! Receive your babies by faith today.

Now unto today's devotional: 

And Moses said unto God, Who am I, that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring forth the children of Israel out of Egypt? And he said, Certainly I will be with thee; and this shall be a token unto thee, that I have sent thee: When thou hast brought forth the people out of Egypt, ye shall serve God upon this mountain. (Exodus 3:11-12 KJV)

Have you ever had a dream or vision that was bigger than yourself? Winning trillions of souls for Jesus? Discovering cures for age long diseases? Inventing the next big 'thing'? Becoming a business mogul? Getting to the epitome of your career? Having a world-wide ministry? Feeding and clothing multitudes of homeless people? Owning an orphanage? Building a school for the less privileged? 

Then that's a good dream! There's a saying that goes "If your dream doesn't scare you then it's not big enough", I don't believe in fear so I'd say it like this "If your dream doesn't draw you to your knees to seek God's help, then your dream isn't big enough". A man of God once said that God gives us big dreams so that we will look to him for help to fulfill them, he's not expecting us to do it by ourselves.

When God revealed Moses' purpose to him, he looked at himself and deemed it impossible. He had a poor self image and he complained about the way he stuttered. He couldn't get past his flaws to see who God created him to be. He asked, Who am I? Have you ever asked yourself the same question? God has given you big dreams and you look at your past and say "No! not someone like me" or you look at your present situation and say "How can any good come out of this". This was me a few years ago, I had visions of doing great things. However when I looked in the mirror, my imperfections stared me down. Now, I'm doing things that I never imagined by the grace of God. And I have good news for you, it doesn't matter who you were or what you are going through presently; It doesn't matter what you've done, your past mistakes are irrelevant. Please believe that dreams come through!

I love how God replied Moses by saying, "Certainty, I will be with you". Isn't that beautiful? He didn't address Moses' insecurity, instead he told him that he wasn't going to be alone. He let him know that he had his back, and that he was guaranteed success. Now, that's what you call the God factor! You can not do anything worthwhile in your own strength. To really succeed in life, you need the ever abiding presence of God. Having the presence of God with you triumphs any other credential. At a point in your life you will realize that your degrees, accomplishments, skills, etc can only get you so far. However when you add the God factor, opportunities are endless. Nothing is impossible for someone that has the God factor and is conscious of it. 

Have you ever heard of filthy rich people being unhappy? Or having sicknesses that money can't cure? Or celebrities who are adored by many but are empty within? They're missing something vital, they have voids that only God can fill.

The God factor is your advantage, it separates you from the crowd. The God factor adds the super to your human, making you a superhuman. Because the very presence of the Lord lives in you, you're divinity plus humanity on two legs walking. Nothing is impossible for God, therefore nothing is impossible for those who believe in him (Mark 9:23). It's not about who you are or who you know, it's about who you're with. Our God greater, he's higher than any other, he's all powerful, all knowing, and ever present. 

Stop asking yourself "Who am I?" Start telling yourself: "Certainly, God is with me! He lives in me (Psalm 46:5), he'll never leave or forsake me (Deu. 31:6)."

As a believer you're not ordinary, you're in the world but the world is not your source. Your father in heaven is your source and sustainer, therefore you're experiences are defined by Grace and seasoned with glory. You're highly favored and above only, you life gets better and better (Proverbs 4:18).

Confession: Thank you father for your ever abiding presence in my life. I declare that every dream and vision that God has laid on my heart finds expression in the name of Jesus. Amen

Prayer starter: Father I thank you for the big dreams that you've given me. I ask for the grace to walk in the awareness of the fact that you're with me. Therefore I am not afraid to dream big. In Jesus' name, Amen.

You're blessed!


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