Friday, December 25, 2015


Hello Everyone,

I want to wish you a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!! 
As we enjoy all the family time, gifts and yummy food let's remember that JESUS is the reason for the season. Let's remember to celebrate him today and everyday and to thank him for his precious-one-in-a-lifetime-sacrifice.

It has been an interesting year for me and I thank God for his faithfulness through it all.

I also want to thank you. You all have been a vital part of this year, THANK YOU! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!!

I started this blog in the beginning of this year, as an instruction from the Lord. I was hesitant and unsure about how it would all pan out, but I am grateful to God for making a success! I am humbled when I realize that people from all around the world take time out to read this blog. I am amazed when I see people from the United States, Kenya, Nigeria, Canada, Netherlands, Germany, Jamaica, Peru, Poland, United Kingdom, India, Russia, and Slovakia visiting the blog! All Glory to God!!! A special shout out to you all! I've always dreamt of traveling all around the world...enjoying all that God has created and preaching the gospel...I am grateful to God that my words have gone ahead of me, it's only a matter of time before I show up in a city near you! Can I get an Amen??? AMEN!!!

The year 2016 is almost here and I am so so so so excited!!! I just know that the Lord is set to do amazingly awesome things in our lives. I can wait to hear your testimonies and share mine with you!!!

I have some great plans for this blog in 2016, and I pray that you'll continue this take this journey of destiny with me. 

As the year draws to an end, I declare that the Shalom (peace) of the Lord will your portion...nothing missing and nothing broken. I pray that the joy of the Lord will full your hearts and that this joy will know no bounds. I pray that the Lord perfects ALL that concerns you, I pray that he crowns this year with goodness for you. And as 2016 approaches, I declare it will be one of your best years yet! Much more than you can ask for or imagine is what the good Lord will do for you, you will laugh, dance, sing a new song, and rejoice throughout 2016! You will stand perfect and complete and all the Will of God! Amen!!!


You're blessed!

- Bunmi

Wait before you go:

1. If you have not received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, life won't make any sense, it will be cold and empty. You deserve more! Take a few minutes and click on the 'Come to Jesus' tab at the top of the page and be saved!

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Saturday, December 19, 2015

Camp Chronicles III

Hello Everyone!

It's one of the most wonderful times of the year! Christmas is around the corner and the New Year is almost here! There so much expectation and excitement in the air. It's one of my favorite seasons, a time to reflect on the past year and a time to prepare for the upcoming year.

For some people, it's not such a great time. Some people may have experienced some type of loss during this time and feelings of sadness or depression may be overwhelming. If you're one of such people, I pray that the Lord will comfort you and grant you unshakeable peace. Be encouraged, you're still here! There's s purpose for your life!

I hope that you all have been enjoying the Camp Chronicles series, if you missed the previous two posts, please click here: Camp Chronicles I & Camp Chronicles II.

I'd like to appreciate all those that have been giving me positive feedback on the blog, I am humbled. Thanks for reading, God bless you all!


Now unto Camp Chronicles III...

One pill that I found very hard to swallow during my time at camp was how people "fell madly in love" with one another in the space of three weeks. My cousin hinted me to this phenomenon prior to my leaving for camp, she explained to me that some ladies had "camp boyfriends" that looked out for them during camp. I really didn't grasp the extent of these "camp relationships" until I saw things for myself.

I was amazed to see how people were so loose and easy. Remember my friend that introduced me to the egusi and eba place from the last post? Unfortunately for her, she was in one of the two horrible rooms at camp. There were a total of three or four rooms for all girls, with about 40 girls each. I happened to be in the best room. The other rooms were notorious for theft, unruly girls, etc. Back to my friend, one day during the first week of camp she went to take a shower and by the time she came back all her money was gone. Surprisingly no one had any idea where her money mysteriously walked to.

A few days later, she met a guy. They became close in no time and he became her camp boyfriend. Mind you, she had an actual boyfriend back at home. One day she started bragging about him, she went on and on about how he was so nice and how he took care of her. She exclaimed "Bunmi, the other day this guy spent 900 naira on me alone".  At first, I was puzzled and I didn't know how to respond. I kept quiet and allowed her to continue, but I couldn't get over how she glorified him because he spent 900 naira (at that time it was about $5.63) on her at the mami market.

And then I began to hear crazy stories. The first one was about a married woman who was caught having sexual intercourse with a guy that she met at camp during the first week. They were "doing it" in a gutter (click on link to see picture of a gutter)...sigh. Where do I start? First of all, she was married...where is her respect for the sanctity of marriage? Couldn't see wait until the end of three weeks to be intimate with her husband?!?! I didn't understand it; I wished I met her maybe she'd be able to explain. They were both expelled from camp. I wonder what she told her husband!

And then I heard numerous stories of how people were having sex on the field. The field was an open sports field, it was where we had our morning devotion at 5 am, where we were taught "martial arts" and other military activities such as marching...oh the memories...."left left, left right left". So these young men and women must have been nature lovers, because I cannot understand how they could rumble and tumble at such a place.

I also heard about people getting drunk at the mami market, I don't think that it was a good idea to sell alcohol there but I digress. Every evening, young men would splurge on young ladies. Buy them food, get them drinks, etc. The young ladies would reward them for their generosity in the bushes behind the market...hmmm...another strange place, I guess those ones loved adventure.

Then they were the ladies who slept with the soldiers and camp officials. I guess they were doing it to enjoy the "perks" of being the oga's (boss') girl. I mean if you're sleeping with the soldier, you would probably get excused from early morning devotion when the soldiers came to chase the others out. You also didn't have to obey the evening curfew. I'm really not sure of the other perks, but they definitely did not appeal to me. I was told that some ladies slept with camp officials so that they could be posted at good companies after camp. Well, I'm not sure how true that was....on the last day of camp I saw a girl in the office crying her eyes out and all her camp sugar daddy could say was "sorry".

People were really acting up, hormones were raging. It seems like some people came with a target to be wild. Many people explained to me how excited they were and how they have been waiting for this moment for so long. Little did I know the source of some of their excitement.

Now, don't get me wrong, everyone at camp was NOT loose and easy. There was just a significant amount of people that were "free".

To be continued...

You're blessed!

- Bunmi

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Wednesday, December 16, 2015

The Holy Spirit, Our Helper

Romans 8:26-27 And in the same way—by our faith—the Holy Spirit helps us with our daily problems and in our praying. For we don’t even know what we should pray for nor how to pray as we should, but the Holy Spirit prays for us with such feeling that it cannot be expressed in words. And the Father who knows all hearts knows, of course, what the Spirit is saying as he pleads for us in harmony with God’s own will (TLB).

The Holy Spirit was given to us as a precious gift from the father. He was given to us to live in us and flow through us (John 7:37-39). He was given to us to empower and equip us for life, the quality and quantity of life that God has (eternal life). He is our helper! One of the paramount areas in which the Holy Spirit helps us with is in the place of prayer. 

We have to first of all admit that we do not know how to pray or what to pray for at times. At times we come to the place of prayer without much to say. Thank God for the Holy Spirit! When we invite him into our prayer life he comes to fill our moments of incoherency with Words of faith and power that grant us access into the throne room of the father. 

The bible says in the book of Hebrews 11:6 But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him. At times we may not be praying in faith. If we are not careful we can pray out of fear, depression, or as a last result. Those kind of prayers will not be answered, God responds to faith. If you truly believe that there's nothing that is impossible for God, you'll never come into his presence afraid. 

When we lean on the Holy Spirit in the place of prayer, we can be rest assured that we will pray right. Because the Holy Spirit will help us to pray according to God's perfect Will. He knows the end from the beginning, he knows the plans of God for our life, he is able to see beyond the NOW and help us to get to the RIGHT place at the RIGHT time. 

Humble yourself in the place of prayer, you don't know it all. God does not need a show, he needs your faith. He does not need nicely crafted statements, he needs to hear you speak your faith in his Word. Admit that you have weaknesses and allow the Holy Spirit to carry you on the wings of grace into God's wealthy place. One way that we can do this is by praying in tongues, there are many myths about tongues but the bible says that it is the key to effective and fervent makes the power of God available (Acts 1:8; Acts 2:4; James 5:16 AMP). When the power of God hits your situation, it can never remain the same!

Confession: Heavenly Father, I thank you for your precious Holy Spirit. Today I vow to yield myself to him in the place of prayer and receive help to pray according to your Will, Amen.

Prayer starter: Heavenly Father I come to you today, I asked for the help of your spirit as I go into a time of communion with you. In Jesus' name, Amen.

You're blessed!

- Bunmi

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1. If you have not received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, life won't make any sense, it will be cold and empty. You deserve more! Take a few minutes and click on the 'Come to Jesus' tab at the top of the page and be saved!

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Saturday, December 12, 2015

Camp Chronicles II

Hello Everyone!

Thanks for visiting the blog today, you are appreciated!!!

Today I continue the Camp Chronicles series, in which I discuss my time during NYSC camp. Enjoy!

**** Anyone that knows me well, knows that I love good food! I am a self proclaimed *foodie* and I am not ashamed of it!

So how did this foodie survive at camp??? sure was not easy. With the conditions of the camp, food was the least my worries. I ate to survive not to enjoy...I guess that's how it is suppose to be right? Hmm...if you say so! Well I believe that life is meant to enjoy and one way to enjoy is by eating well, can I get an AMEN!!! lol...I digress.

I thank God that my aunt and cousin told me to pack milo (hot chocolate), garri, cereal, powdered milk and a few other snacks...they were my saving grace. The food that was served at the camp's kitchen was tasteless, watered down, hard, non-filling and any other word that you can use to describe horrible food. I felt like I was serving a prison sentence.

Thank God for the mami market. It was designated at the far end of the camp area. The mami market was your one stop shop for everything from socks, snacks, notebooks, to a new hair style, to tailoring it and it was there available at the mami market, for a fee of course. 

One of the things that brought me to the mami market daily was food! It was the go to spot for hot freshly cooked meals. Pepper soup (a spicy broth served with either fish or meat) was available for the rainy nights, jollof rice and meat if you were feeling festive, Ogi and akara to jump start your morning, chicken and chips (French fries) for those that were feeling tush (fancy) and the list goes on.

I was introduced to an interesting combination at the mami market. It instantly became one my favorites when they jollof rice was not smiling and everything screamed BORING! I met indomie (ramen noodles) and fried egg! *Licking lips* Add sauteed tomatoes, onions, and peppers and I was good. When I was first told about the combination, I politely declined. God bless whomever invented that divine creation. Many vendors made this combination but I  had my favorite "auntie" that knew how to make my tummy smile, she knew the way I liked it!

I was later introduced to some amazing Egusi soup by a friend that I met at camp. Her camp boyfriend took her to one of the vendors at the mami market from time to eat egusi soup. She raved about how good it was over and over again. She invited me to join them on one of their dates, when I heard that it was free I did think twice! He who does not like free food, shall cast the first stone! Thank you! Don't judge me! Lol. While growing up, my mom only made egusi on a few occasions, so I was never a huge fan of it even though I liked it. When the egusi arrived coupled with a huge mountain of eba, I wonder how anyone could ever conquer that mountain. Like who possibly eats this much eba? 

I sat back at first to observe how everyone (about three other people joined us) would begin the journey. I watched as everyone washed their hands in a wooden bowl filled with water. Me being me wanted to ask for a fork, but I didn't want to look out of place. My American accent already had all eyes on me, so I had to play along. I didn't want to become someone's experiment for the night.

I looked at my friend as scooped a pile from the mountain of eba, and rolled it in the palm of her hands a few times until it became smooth ball. I looked around and the others followed suite. I repeated the action but with less expertise. Some people talk about love at first sight...this was love at first bite. The egusi and eba was savory and hot, just the way I like! I secretly wished that I could wrap it up and take to my room and devour it with no eyes on me. But I kept my cool, everyone was silent as our taste buds sang a new song unto the Lord. That's the kind of meal that will have you singing "For the Lord is good, for the Lord is good and his mercies endureth forever!". 

As the eba and egusi entered into my mouth continually, I secretly whispered, "Where have you been all my life?". Yes it was that serious! With the limited choices of good food that I was exposed prior, I was overjoyed. At that moment of time, I secretly approved of my friend's camp was a blessing in disguise for Before I knew it, I had conquered that mountain! I looked at my bowl that once filled with a surplus of eba and was shocked, where did it go??? My tummy hissed and mocked me "See yourself!" I ignored it and left an insignificant amount in the bowl so that I wouldn't mess up my "American ajebutta creditably". I ate my two pieces of meat and silently said a prayer of thanksgiving to the Lord.

Needless to say eba and egusi was added to my list of favorite eats during my stay at camp. On most mornings, I surprisingly found myself on a line (queue) for Ogi (my mom used to force me to eat it as a child) and akara, I tried a few other things like the chicken and chips but I was team indomie and egg or team egusi and eba on most days for lunch or dinner. Once in a blue, the kitchen served something eatable so I didn't have spend money at the mami market. On other days, I'd just stick to my stash of garri, cereal, snacks, etc and call it day. 

I sincerely apologize if I have made anyone hungry! I hope you weren't fasting while reading this o! My sincere

Once again thanks for reading! Love you all sooooooo much!!!

You're blessed!

- Bunmi

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1. If you have not received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, life won't make any sense, it will be cold and empty. You deserve more! Take a few minutes and click on the 'Come to Jesus' tab at the top of the page and be saved!

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Wednesday, December 09, 2015

Stop Hiding! Shine!!!

Hello Everyone!

Welcome to all my new readers and welcome back to my consistent readers! Love you all!!!

While I was in the place of prayer, my heart cried out for a change in the world. It cried out for an end to: senseless crimes, destruction, violence, terrorism, the glorification of sexual immorality, the attempt to redefine marriage, identity crisis, incurable diseases, poverty, lack, etc.

As I prayed earnestly, the Lord began to speak to my heart. He told me that he has done his part, he told me that ball is in the court of his children, the members of his body. He reminded me that nothing catches him by surprise, he is the all-knowing God. That is why Jesus was able to utter "it is finish" on the cross. Furthermore, Jesus was risen from the dead to confirm our victory over the world.

He saw these days...the end times, from the very beginning, that it why is he called the alpha and omega. That is why he sent his Word to prepare and empower us...for this time. He sent his Word so that we would be aware of who is, who we are in him and what he intends to do through us.

These words dropped in my heart as I continued to pray:

Darkness is never the issue.
The issue is that the light refuses to shine.
Darkness represents death, Light represents life! 
God dealt with darkness in the beginning , when he uttered "Let there be LIGHT!" Darkness fled forever.  

So stop complaining about the darkness in the world, 
be the light of the world that you were created to be.

Light is greater darkness
Light carries power
Light effects changes
Light is the answer to the world's problems

We are that light 
Take your place
Arise and shine 

The body of Christ is God's light house
Created to stand out
Created to stand up
Created to rule and reign
Created to have dominion 

Follow the steps of Jesus
Show the world who your father is 
Walk in the consciousness that the enemy is under feet
Maintain your position, you are above only
Walk according to God's Will, in line with his Word

That's how to shine
The Word of God is the light of men
The Word lives in us, it is the sustenance of our life 
The Word is the source of all things 

Stop hiding

 Be bold as a lion

The glory of the Lord is your covering 
The glory makes the difference 
The glory is what qualifies you
Shine in that glory!

Reference scriptures: Isaiah 60; John 1:1-4; Matthew 5:13-16

I pray that you were blessed and encouraged by those words just as I much I was!

You're blessed!

- Bunmi

Wait before you go:

1. If you have not received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, life won't make any sense, it will be cold and empty. You deserve more! Take a few minutes and click on the 'Come to Jesus' tab at the top of the page and be saved!

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Sunday, December 06, 2015

December Reflections

Hello Everyone! Happy New Month!! DECEMBER IS HERE!!!

The year is coming to an end, as many others I having been reflecting on this year for the past few days. For my family and I this has been a challenging year. We experienced trails and tribulations on many levels. There were times when I felt like throwing in the towel, there were times when I felt hopeless and alone. I didn't understand why I had to go through it, I didn't see that it was all a blessing in disguise. I didn't understand that it was strengthen me, perfecting me, and making wiser. I didn't understand that I needed to go through it, I didn't understand that it would all work together for my good. 

A few months ago while speaking to my spiritual mother she said something that caught me off guard. She said, "You are going through these things because of the people that you are sent to". I must admit that I didn't take that word with rejoicing in my heart initially. Frankly, I was in a bad state and I couldn't handle that statement then and there. 

A few weeks ago, someone contacted me about her current situation. She mentioned how unhappy she was and it was like she was describing my situation a few months ago. When I told her that I understood how she felt and shared my testimony she was shocked, she was encouraged and happy that I understood her plight. The statement that my spiritual mother made a few months back, came to mind and I was able to smile about it this time around. If I could encourage and counsel someone else based on my experiences it makes it worth it. I thanked God for the privilege.

I was reminded that there is more to life than you, your family, your career, your material possessions, your relationships, your finances, etc. Life is about giving, it is about lifting others up. It's about being there for people, loving people, helping people. Life has more meaning when you're able to put a smile on someone's face. Life is about service. I want to be more dedicated to life, giving my all.

The only regrets that I have from this year was complaining during the trails, being upset and moody. Forgetting that God loves me and was right beside me through it all. I regret the times when I was too busy wallowing in my sorrows that I couldn't see the needs around me. I regret the times when I mumbled about the things I did not have, while failing to acknowledge the numerous good things that I did have.

A few hours ago, I logged onto facebook and the first thing I noticed on my newsfeed was a college friend announcing the death of her husband. He died at a very young age and left behind his wife, their two young children and others. As I read the details of his death, my heart broke. I cried inwardly for this young woman that suddenly became a widow. I can not imagine what see is going through and what the next few days, months, and years would be like for her and her children...especially during this holiday season. I shared my condolences on her wall and said a prayer for her and her family afterwards. 

I revisited my issues and they suddenly seemed insignificant, I began to thank God for everything. I thanked God for life. If I had lost my life, I wouldn't even have the capacity to worry, doubt, fear or complain. I discovered that the greatest trials turned out to be the biggest testimonies. God has been faithful, God is good! He has proven his love for us continually. In the midst of it all, he has always come through for us. He never left us stranded. As I write, emotions well up within me. Thanksgiving overflows from my heart. 

James 1:2-4 Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. So let it grow, for when your endurance is fully developed, you will be perfect and complete, needing nothing.(NLT)

The bible tells us to consider times of trouble as an opportunity of great joy. In those times, joy may be the last thing on your mind but if you will take time to praise the Lord you will have a testimony. At times you'll have to give thanks by faith, some people may call it faking it until you make it but I call it Faithing it until it manifests. The key to joy is rejoicing...whenever you feel like joy is seeping away, begin to praise the Lord. If you keep at it, you will be filled with unshakable joy...try it!

To top it all off, I hear the voice of the Lord whispering "It's not over yet... I'm not done with you yet...there's more!" I'm excited, this is the last month of the year and I'm convinced that God has saved the best for the last! Yes, he will crown this year with a bountiful harvest (Psalm 65:11 NLT) and he will fulfill every promise (Psalm 138:8 GNT). Even as I write this, the Lord is saying that this is his Will for you as the year comes to an end. Get ready, you will end this year with a BANG! Just believe and rest.

Love you all so much, thank you for your support. God bless you!

You're blessed!

- Bunmi

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1. If you have not received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, life won't make any sense, it will be cold and empty. You deserve more! Take a few minutes and click on the 'Come to Jesus' tab at the top of the page and be saved!

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Thursday, December 03, 2015

Camp Chronicles I

Camp was an say the least

I wish I wrote down my daily happenings while there, but unfortunately I did not.

My time in camp was bitter sweet. I am glad that I made it to the end; even though I wanted to pack my huge bag and RUN a number of times. I believe that my time in camp prepared me for my stay in Nigeria, it toughened me up. After completing a master's in public health program, the unhygienic conditions of the camp rubbed me the wrong way. I couldn't believe that I had to live the way I did for three whole weeks. 

First of all, I shared a small room with about 40 girls. There was no such thing as "personal space", everyone was all up in each other's faces. We were given old used up mattresses, only God knows how many other people have slept and did whatever else on those things. Thankfully I brought my own bed sheets. Also the area was mosquito infested, lucky for me I was warned by my cousin and aunt. I came armed with anti malaria pills, OFF (mosquito repellent spray) and a mosquito net. My bunk bed neighbor helped me with setting up the mosquito net, I felt like I was in isolation when I slept in it...but I'd take that over getting bitten any day!

The "so-called" bathrooms were horrendous, I can not begin to describe how flighty they were. Everyone resulted to taking showers outside, yes you read correctly. We took baths with freezing cold water outside under the "stars". Yet some so called "cleaners" came to our rooms and bulled us the first week of camp, they claimed that they would keep the bathroom clean for a fee or we'd have to clean it ourselves. Of course no one wanted the responsibility of cleaning the disgusting bathrooms, so we were left with no choice but to pay the fee. However, the services were never rendered.

There was no running water, we had to wait on extremely long lines daily to fetch water from a tap and when the water ran out, we resulted to getting water from a well. Imagine my culture shock, I never had to fetch water a day in my life... thankfully my camp squad had my back. They held me down, they helped during my culture shock moments. Sometimes I would get back to my room and find my bucket already filled with water. 

Another issue that I encountered was having to wash my clothes by hand. Never in my life did I have to do so, unless it was underwear. So imagine the shock when my friend asked when I'd wash my clothes. I looked at her like she was speaking a foreign language. My aunt made me pack laundry detergent but it never occurred to me that I'd have to wash my clothes without the aid of a washing machine (what was I thinking!). We had to wear white everyday, so of course our clothes had to be washed regularly. I decided to suck it up and give it a try, I saw many other girls wash their clothes with their hands with ease.

Attempt number 1, 2, and 3 FAILED! I couldn't do it! How did they manage to get the stains out so easily? Heaven heard my cry when a woman entered our room one day and offered to wash our clothes for us for a small fee. I was a bit hesitant at first so I waited until some of my roommates completed a few transactions with her. Once I saw that she was trustworthy, I gladly gave her my clothes to wash regularly. I was a happy camper! And probably one of her top customers! 

Due to the conditions of the camp, having to "do #2" or poop never crossed my mind, until the day my bunk bed neighbor told me that she had to GO! I thought about the conditions of the bathroom/toilet area and asked her how she was going to go about it. She replied, "I will do short put nau". She was shocked when I looked at her clueless, when she explained was she was referring to I almost fainted. 

She told me that short put was the process of pooping in a plastic bag, tying it up after you were done and throwing it into the bushes (I'm sorry...hope you weren't eating or anything while reading this...oops). My body went into shock after hearing her explanation, I couldn't poop for the first two weeks. I wasn't constipated or anything, my mind just shut it out. Imagine how I felt after my two week hiatus...yes I "short-putted" a few times during camp... I had no choice...sigh...hey when nature calls you must answer!

To be continued...

You're blessed!

- Bunmi

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1. If you have not received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, life won't make any sense, it will be cold and empty. You deserve more! Take a few minutes and click on the 'Come to Jesus' tab at the top of the page and be saved!

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Saturday, November 21, 2015

There is a Time for Everything

    For everything there is a season,
    a time for every activity under heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die.
    A time to plant and a time to harvest.
A time to kill and a time to heal.
    A time to tear down and a time to build up.
A time to cry and a time to laugh.
    A time to grieve and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones.
    A time to embrace and a time to turn away.
A time to search and a time to quit searching.
    A time to keep and a time to throw away.
A time to tear and a time to mend.
    A time to be quiet and a time to speak.
A time to love and a time to hate.
    A time for war and a time for peace.

What do people really get for all their hard work? 10 I have seen the burden God has placed on us all. 11 Yet God has made everything beautiful for its own time. He has planted eternity in the human heart, but even so, people cannot see the whole scope of God’s work from beginning to end. 12 So I concluded there is nothing better than to be happy and enjoy ourselves as long as we can. 13 And people should eat and drink and enjoy the fruits of their labor, for these are gifts from God
Ecclesiastes 3:1-13 NLT

A few days ago, I got some disheartening news. I had been so expectant... I've prayed about it, confessed that it was mine, thanked God in advance for it. During the week, the devil whispered a question into my ear "What if it doesn't happen, will you still praise God?" I smiled and answered "YES!!!" without thinking twice, the truth is I was too confident that it was saying yes was easy.

So in the middle of my praise and worship session which always comes before my prayer sessions, I got an email. First of all. I was surprised that my phone was on...when the notification for the incoming email came in, I grabbed my phone so that I could put it on silent (which I always do while praying). My eyes happened to see the sender of the email before I could silence my phone. I continued to sing as I read the preview, the first three lines seemed to be a joke. Maybe it was a mistake or a terrible dream???.. in the midst of my praise and worship session, I opened the email. To my disappointment, it was the opposite of what I was expecting. 

I gathered myself together and proceeded, it was a distraction. I had to pray...the people, things, and nations that I intercede for continuously are much more important. I continued my prayer session for a couple of hours. At the end, I had to face reality. The reality of that email echoed, "denied!...rejection!!'re not good enough!!!..." I went through a series of emotions within a few minutes...I felt sad, I felt hurt, I felt embarrassed, I felt ashamed, I felt disappointed. I wanted to cry, but I made up my mind not to give the devil the opportunity to see me down.

Then I remembered the question that the devil asked me during the week, "What if it doesn't happen, will you still praise God?" So I decided to do just that, praise God! I honestly didn't feel like it, when I started it was difficult but I continued. The next day, I woke up with "not-so-happy-feelings"...I had to get out this funk. I remembered something that my spiritual father once said, "A minister of God can not afford to be depressed." I had to minister at church service the next morning, my church members have needs...if I remained stuck on me, myself, and I...I wouldn't be able to minister to them as I should.

I decided to encourage myself in the Lord and shake it off. I started with listening to a few sermons and then I praised God...with all of my heart, with all of my mind, with all of my soul. In no time, I was over it. After all, one of my favorite scriptures is: Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose (KJV). I've been here before, stuck on what coulda-shoulda-woulda happened. But I know better, I serve the alpha and omega, the all knowing God whose timing is always the best.

Of course, the thought of it still comes to mind, of course I still wish it happened... but I've made up my mind to stop looking at the closed door, I don't want to miss the opened door that God has placed before me. 

As the opening scripture says, there's a season for everything. I remember when I was in high school...I could wait to go to college...when I was in college, I couldn't wait to go to grad school...when I was in grad school, I couldn't wait to have a career...when I was single I couldn't wait to be married...when I was skinny, I wanted to gain weight...when I was living with my parents, I couldn't wait to move out...when I moved out and had a roommate, I couldn't wait to live alone...and the list goes on.

Over the years, I've learnt to enjoy the moments. I've decided to just press play instead of hitting fast forward on life. Like my spiritual mother says "Life is in stages". So enjoy each stage, because they'll never come back. At times pause and focus on the now, yesterday is gone and tomorrow will need to rush the process. Like Paul, I am learning how to abase and abound (Phillippians 4:12 NIV), I am learning to dance in the midst of the storms of life, instead of sitting around and waiting for them to pass. When it is all said and done, I'm blessed and victorious.I may not be where I want to be but I am so much futher from where I used to be. I choose to walk this journey or life by faith, not by sight.

Enjoy each and every moment...they turn into everlasting memories. Memories that will make you laugh and thank God when you revisit them in the near future. 

Confession: In the name of the Lord Jesus, I declare that I am blessed. The circumstances and situations that surround me do not define me. I always win, all things work together for my good. Amen

Prayer starter: Heavenly Father, I thank you because your plans for me are always good. In you I have hope and a future, I ask for grace to always walk in this consciousness in Jesus' name. Amen. 

You're blessed!

- Bunmi

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