Monday, March 30, 2015

Real L-O-V-E

"Real love, I'm searching for a real love...someone to set my heart free...real love...I'm searching for a real love."

Some of you may be familiar with the song above, which was released in 1992 by Mary J. Blige. I personally used to sing this song passionately. It's funny now, because I had NO idea what LOVE was back then!

Real L-O-V-E is true

Real L-O-V-E is pure

Real L-O-V-E is unconditional

Real L-O-V-E is's intoxicating...its's exhilarating 

Real L-O-V-E gives life a whole new meaning, it occupies your mind, and it is the center of your thoughts, the object of your day dreams

Real L-O-V-E gives you butterflies in your tummy and goose bumps all over, it takes your breath away... it is the reason behind your smile and secret giggles

I'm talking about REAL LOVE, not that lust stuff that fizzles away with time, emotions, circumstances and hormones. 

Many have claimed to find it at one point or another...only for it to disappear into thin air...many are still searching for it...looking in the wrong places, going down the wrong paths, and knocking on the wrong doors.

Many ask this question time and time again, "Does real love exist?"

I've come to answer that question. YES it does!!!!

Real L-O-VE cannot be based on how you feel, because your feelings are fleeting. 

Real L-O-V-E is a decision. A life defying decision that is sustained by believing in it at all times and in all ways.

Real L-O-V-E is a person. A divine person who's very essence is LOVE. All he has done or ever will do is based on this nature of LOVE.

Real L-O-V-E sees your imperfections and rejoices because he chooses to focus on your glorious. He knows the end from the beginning; and with him by your side, that end is BRIGHT! 

Real L-O-V-E cheers you on throughout the process, never looking down on you; guiding you every step of the way.

God is REAL LOVE (1 John 4:8)

We are the object of his affection; he is willing to do any and everything for us. That's why he sent his son to save us (John 3:16), his very beloved, his most prized procession. 

His desire for us is oneness with him (John 17:26). Making us inseparable and indistinguishable from him. Being on top of the world, ruling and reigning as he does in heaven. He gave us the Earth to subdue and have dominion, not to struggle or suffer (John 10:10). 

That's pure, undiluted, unadulterated love! Love without reservations! 

It may be difficult to believe this reality because in the world, love is not common. Love has been redefined, bastardized, sugarcoated, and stripped of its true worth.

I'm here to tell you today, that LOVE is real, it's free, and it’s already been given to you. Just believe in it and receive it.

It's okay to let your guards down and trust the one that created you. He's got your back, front, and each side of you covered. He wants you to have it all, in fact much more than you can imagine; your definition of "having it all" is nothing compared to what he's prepared for you.

People may have hurt you or taken advantage of your love. Because of that, you may have built up walls. In reality those walls aren't protecting you, they're blocking you from experiencing the greatest LOVE that has, is, and ever will be (John 15:13). 

Believe in the LOVE of God today. Shout it out loud "GOD LOVES ME!!!!" (Keep saying it until you truly believe it)

Confession: Father I thank you for loving me with an everlasting love. I choose to seize from all my struggles and believe in your love today. Amen

Prayer Starter: Heavenly father I come to you today based on your love for me. I ask for an expression of your love in my ---mention area of your life---. In Jesus'name. Amen.

You're Blessed!

- Bunmi

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