Monday, March 30, 2015

Real L-O-V-E

"Real love, I'm searching for a real love...someone to set my heart free...real love...I'm searching for a real love."

Some of you may be familiar with the song above, which was released in 1992 by Mary J. Blige. I personally used to sing this song passionately. It's funny now, because I had NO idea what LOVE was back then!

Real L-O-V-E is true

Real L-O-V-E is pure

Real L-O-V-E is unconditional

Real L-O-V-E is's intoxicating...its's exhilarating 

Real L-O-V-E gives life a whole new meaning, it occupies your mind, and it is the center of your thoughts, the object of your day dreams

Real L-O-V-E gives you butterflies in your tummy and goose bumps all over, it takes your breath away... it is the reason behind your smile and secret giggles

I'm talking about REAL LOVE, not that lust stuff that fizzles away with time, emotions, circumstances and hormones. 

Many have claimed to find it at one point or another...only for it to disappear into thin air...many are still searching for it...looking in the wrong places, going down the wrong paths, and knocking on the wrong doors.

Many ask this question time and time again, "Does real love exist?"

I've come to answer that question. YES it does!!!!

Real L-O-VE cannot be based on how you feel, because your feelings are fleeting. 

Real L-O-V-E is a decision. A life defying decision that is sustained by believing in it at all times and in all ways.

Real L-O-V-E is a person. A divine person who's very essence is LOVE. All he has done or ever will do is based on this nature of LOVE.

Real L-O-V-E sees your imperfections and rejoices because he chooses to focus on your glorious. He knows the end from the beginning; and with him by your side, that end is BRIGHT! 

Real L-O-V-E cheers you on throughout the process, never looking down on you; guiding you every step of the way.

God is REAL LOVE (1 John 4:8)

We are the object of his affection; he is willing to do any and everything for us. That's why he sent his son to save us (John 3:16), his very beloved, his most prized procession. 

His desire for us is oneness with him (John 17:26). Making us inseparable and indistinguishable from him. Being on top of the world, ruling and reigning as he does in heaven. He gave us the Earth to subdue and have dominion, not to struggle or suffer (John 10:10). 

That's pure, undiluted, unadulterated love! Love without reservations! 

It may be difficult to believe this reality because in the world, love is not common. Love has been redefined, bastardized, sugarcoated, and stripped of its true worth.

I'm here to tell you today, that LOVE is real, it's free, and it’s already been given to you. Just believe in it and receive it.

It's okay to let your guards down and trust the one that created you. He's got your back, front, and each side of you covered. He wants you to have it all, in fact much more than you can imagine; your definition of "having it all" is nothing compared to what he's prepared for you.

People may have hurt you or taken advantage of your love. Because of that, you may have built up walls. In reality those walls aren't protecting you, they're blocking you from experiencing the greatest LOVE that has, is, and ever will be (John 15:13). 

Believe in the LOVE of God today. Shout it out loud "GOD LOVES ME!!!!" (Keep saying it until you truly believe it)

Confession: Father I thank you for loving me with an everlasting love. I choose to seize from all my struggles and believe in your love today. Amen

Prayer Starter: Heavenly father I come to you today based on your love for me. I ask for an expression of your love in my ---mention area of your life---. In Jesus'name. Amen.

You're Blessed!

- Bunmi

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Friday, March 27, 2015

College Dayz 2

Howard University(HU) oh my, the memories! For all my fellow alumni out there, H....U....You Know!!!

HU was a VERY different from SUNY was huge...there was so much going many many things to do, etc. Thankfully, I had three amazing women to "brave the storm" with...if I was alone, intimidation and fear of the unknown would have sent me packing...

Like I said prior, we did eveything together...

*To make things easier, I'll give them names that I'll refer to them as on this blog*  My roommate from Albany = Amanda, her cousin = Lisa, her best friend = Jennifer.

During my first semester, I took general courses (i.e. biology, an English course, etc.) By the end of the semester, the pressure was on! I had to officially declare a major. Amanda and Lisa chose pharmacy, Jennifer chose nursing. After reading through the numerous majors offered at our school, I stumbled on something that seemed pretty cool....Physical Therapy (PT).

It was not the first time that I've heard of it. A flashback of how I was introduced to PT comes to was in a classroom at my High School (Secondary School) was during a deep discussion...I sat quietly as a young lady passionately described and emphasized her love for PT...she got my attention... PT was different...I could help people feel was still in the medical field...and very versatile...yup it was love at first sight...but things got complicated when it wasn't available in SUNY Albany...however HU rekindled our flame!

So I selected Physical Therapy, I liked it because I would be able to help people get better after trageic events and it also paid well! I informed my parents and they were thrilled, yay! finally!

However, it saddened me that I'd no longer take classes with my friends. I had to make my own friends, and at that time in my life that was a big deal. I was too shy, timid, and self conscious. I usually kept to myself and felt akward in social settings.

Until next time,

You're Blessed!

- Bunmi

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Wednesday, March 25, 2015

The Art of Meditation

When you hear the Word meditation what comes to your mind? It may be a picture of a person sitting on the floor with his or her legs crossed, eyes closed, and hands folded in front of him or her.

However, that is not the meditation that scripture refers to. Meditation is a place of exchange, a place where you seize from all your struggles and turn it all over to God. All you have to do is yield yourself and be ready to learn from God. You don't have to struggle with "trying" to read the bible and understand it, it's not your place. 

Meditation is an art, it is a process that can not work without paying attention to intrinsic details. It is the only way to get the Word of God on your inside where it becomes built into you and becomes an inseparable part of you; defining your life experiences. This is a process that leads to the Word of God becoming flesh. It a process that leads to dwelling in God's presence (John 1:14). The place of meditation is the classroom of the Holy Spirit, the place where we are transformed from one level of glory to another (2 Corinthians 3:18). It's a place where we interact with the life and Spirit of God (John 6:63). It is a place where our inheritances are received (Acts 20:32). We are the students and the Holy Spirit is our teacher (John 14:26).

In the last devotional post, I mentioned that the Word is digested via mediation. That is because the Word is eatable. How do you eat the Word? The same way you eat physical food, you put the Word into your mouth. This the first step of mediation is to invite the Holy Spirit, next read the Word of God (preferrably out loud) (Joshua 1:8). Aim to understand the context of the bible passage that you've read (don't just read one verse and infer without reading the preceding verses and the ones that follow). 

Once you have read, choose a specific scripture that ministered to you or addresses a need. Then begin to chew (chewing makes food absorbable) on that Word by allowing it to take over your thoughts then begin to say it to yourself continuously. As you continue to chew, digestion begins. As digestion continues, food is now in a form where it begins to provide nourishment to various parts of the body. The digestion of the Word meets the needs of the spirit, soul, and body, a complete meal!(Hebrews 4:12; Proverbs 4:20-22). By the time the Word of God has become digested fully, it is production time. It produces that very thing that you desire. The Word of God always works. Because it contains God's grace and power (Hebrews 1:3). Grace is all you need! 

Praise God for the gift of his Word! The source of ALL things (John 1:1-3). Do you desire to be prosperous and successful? I'm sure that we all do! There's only one way ---> MEDITATION. Seize from all your struggles, at the end of the day your degrees and skills can only get you but so far. Stop trying to climb up the ladder, take the highway of meditation it's faster. The Word can make you, I guarantee it! Try it, be consistent, and you'll see overwhelming results. 

Confession: Father, I thank you for your Word. I choose to meditate on it daily and I will prosper in all I do and have good success in Jesus' name. Amen.

Prayer Started: Heavenly father, I come into the classroom of the Holy Spirit today and I ask for the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you. I ask that the eyes of my understanding will be enlightened (Ephesians 1:17-18) as I meditate on your Word daily. Thank you father, in Jesus' name. Amen

You're blessed!


Wednesday, March 11, 2015

College Dayz


Thanks for stopping by today! Read below and enjoy!

Graduation from Highschool was around the corner and the time came when we had to start applying for college. And the dilemma struck again, what do I major in?!?! My parents had many people come to talk to me and convince me that nursing, law, medicine is the way! 

But I wasn't having it...I contemplated psychology but when I mentioned it to my parents, they almost called for a deliverance service for me! However, I managed to apply for college, in the mist of so much discouragement from various college advisor even told me not to bother applying for some schools because my GPA of about 80 wasn't good enough...somehow someway, I mustered up the courage to apply anyway and thankfully I got into a good school! The State University of New York (SUNY) Albany, located in upstate New York. I got accepted but didn't declared a major right away.

Shortly after, I discovered that another Nigerian girl who attended my high school was attending SUNY Albany also. We were not friends throughout high school, but once we discovered that we were attending the same school we exchanged numbers and kept in touch. We also became roommates. She was such a great roommate (the best I ever had), she was definitely God sent. We are still friends today. 

We had to attend a summer program at SUNY Albany. It was an experience, I met a lot of interesting people. It was a good introduction into the college lifestyle. We were required to take a few classes and lived with a certain number of roommates, etc. 

We returned for the first semester and we hated it. Albany, NY is a small town. And being from New York City, it was difficult for us to adjust. We were doing very well in our classes but were extremely bored. There wasn't much to do besides drink, party, smoke, and shop. We succumbed to the latter, we shopped a lot and traveled home every chance we got. 

We stood out from the crowd; it wasn't intentional, it was natural. We were different and we refused to fit in. Some people believed that we were 'stuck up', while others really liked and us and some literally stalked us (there was one girl that I had to practically hide

We decided to do something about our discontentment. My roommate kept mentioning a school that I had no prior knowledge of...Howard University (HU). She told me that her cousin was a student there and raved about how great it was. It had many more options for majors, everyday was a fashion show, it was located in beautiful Washington, DC and it was lots of fun! I contemplated transferring to HU for some time.

By the end of our first year, we couldn't take it anymore. It was so bad, we even lost weight. I didn't need anymore convincing. We both applied to HU and got ACCEPTED! However, some friends and family nembers tried to talk me out of going because it is a private institution, which meant that tution was almost double the price of my current school. I heard them, considered it, but went ahead to HU. It turned out to be a great decision! God was definetly leading me even when I wasn't aware of it. He used my lovely roomie to lead me to his purpose for my  life.

We started Howard the next semester, along with my roommates' best friend and cousin. We were all inseparable, took the same classes, ate together, partied together, etc. 

Until next time...

You're Blessed!


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Monday, March 09, 2015

How Do I Believe?

I've discovered that a lot of people do not have the things that they desire, because they don't know how to believe God for them. Faith is a process, it's a cycle one must go thorough in order to see desired results.

What is faith? 
The previous devotional defined faith as absolute trust in God. Faith is a substance that is evidence based (Hebrews 11:1). The evidence of our faith is the Word of God. You can not believe God for something that can not be backed up by his Word. Scripture states that Faith comes by the hearing of God's Word (Romans 10:17). The Word of God is heard in two ways, through the preaching of God's Word and through the confession of God's Word (Romans 10:14).

There are two vital organs of faith. For your faith to produce results, these two organs must function properly. These organs are the heart (the core of your being) and the mouth (Romans 10:8).

The Word of God can not work for you until it's understood or revealed. The mere reading of God's Word will not produce re
sults, it is just a religious exercise. Revelation comes through the study of God's Word (2 Timothy 2:15). Revelation moves the Word from your head to your heart, which is where faith is born. 

The Process of Faith
  • The process of faith begins with the hearing (preaching or reading)of the Word
  • Next the Word is digested and enters into the heart (the core of one's being) by study or meditation (Joshua 1:8
  • The next step in the process of faith is to regurgitate (confess) the Word by speaking it to yourself consistently (Hebrews 10:23). 
  • The final step in the process of faith is to act in line with what you believe (what would you do when what you're trusting God for manifests? begin to do that very thing!)
Don't just read the Word, aim to understand the Word. Pray for revelation before you begin. Look for scriptures that address what you're trusting God for. Don't stop studying until it seeps into the core of your being(Colossians 3:16a). Because spiritual things can be slippery, don't let them get away (Proverbs 4:20-22).

Your wellbeing depends on the revelation of the Word of God that you've recieved. Because, the Word is the source of all things; it is the source of your faith, you were created by it, and it is what sustains and nourishes you (Matthew 4:4). So keep believing and speaking what you desire in line with God's Word, if you see anything contrary to it physically don't confess it. 

For example, you are trusting God for a certain amount of money. But your bank account is negative. Don't say, "I am so broke". Instead say, the Lord supplies all my needs according to his riches in glory (Phillippians 4:19)

*It is not being supersitious or unrealistic. When you truly believe in something, you speak about it!*

Confession: Father I thank you because there's nothing that I desire for good that is not in your Word. I receive revelation in my heart as I study your Word and I put your Word in mouth. My faith produces results in Jesus' Name. Amen

Prayer Starter: Heavenly father I come to you today based on your Word in ---mention scripture--- and I ask for ---mention request---. Thank you father for it, in Jesus' Name. Amen

You're Blessed!

- Bunmi

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Friday, March 06, 2015

"Puppy Love"

Welcome back!

Let's continue where we left off...

So I started getting attention from guys...I didn't know how to handle it at first, because I was extremely shy and like I said I had low self esteem.

But I welcomed it anyway, I could finally relate with my friends in reference to men.

So here I was in High School, at about the age of seventeen and I had my first "boyfriend". I can't recall his name now. 

We met while I was walking to school. He was a very good looking guy, he dressed very well. He attended a private school so he was actually wearing his uniform on the day I met him. He was with his father but that didn't stop him from "hollering" at me. His father even greeted me with a large smile on my face. I can't remember the details of our conversation, however we exchanged numbers.

Somehow he asked me out and I said yes, however I never saw him again. Our "relationship" only consisted of inconsistent phone calls that ended abruptly. No hard feelings at all!

A few months later, I met Mark, he was very tall 6'2, dark but not too handsome, he was from Guyana. The way that we met was interesting. I actually met his brother Randy first online via a chat room. Randy supposedly liked me and wanted a relationship but he seemed to be too busy. The first time we met offline was on Valentine's Day, we met at his place. He gave me a rose and my first kiss. 

After that day, he slowly and surely became MIA (missing in action). When I called his house phone Mark always picked up. Before you knew it, Mark and I spent hours on the phone and somehow became a couple.

Majority of our relationship was spent on the phone, only God knows what we spoke about. 

The High School that he attended was near mine, so he came around once in a blue with some friends to see me. His visits were about 10 minutes long, all we did was talk briefly and he'd walk me to the train station. Then we'd hug and say our goodbyes. I can count on one hand how many times we saw each other. I'm not sure when or how we parted ways...we never argued, he never upset me, he didn't break my heart. Somehow our communication just seized.

My next "boyfriend", was Emmanuel. I met him online also. He was the first guy that told me he loved me. In this relationship, I actually spent time with the guy physically. Except I always met him at his house. We never went out publicly except when we first met and I asked him to meet me in a public place. 

Emmanuel was very handsome, average height, light skin, and he had a way with words. His screen name in the AOL chat room was 'Smooth Criminal', please ask me why I didn't run away at first glance! 

Of course, spending time at his house alone was not wise. We spent time kissing and touching. After a while, I noticed that he stopped answering my phone calls. I'd call his cell phone and house phone but to no avail. His family was even in on it, they'd pick up and make up flimsy excuses. Eventually I gave up, but not without getting my heart broken. That relationship left a large hole in my heart for a long while. I eventually spoke to him months later and he stated that he ended the relationship because I didn't want to have sex with him.

I was petrified of sex. It was all around me but I dare not bring myself to 'doing it'. I'm not sure of what scared me the most, my parents finding out or the thought of God striking me down with lighting. Thankfully, I managed to graduated from High School a virgin, despite the temptations that surrounded me. 

However there were secret struggles that I had. I was very curious and my imagination was uncontrollable. I also read a lot of romance novels. 

Even though I wasn't sexually involved with anyone, what I was exposed to during conversations with friends at school, the novels, the Internet, etc were all sowing seeds. What started as innocent curiosity before high school turned into a devasting cycle that continued for a long while...I'll share more details in a later post.

After my first heart break, I didn't get into another "relationship" for sometime. However, I continued to chat with guys online and met two of them once respectively, of course the wanted sex but I didn't budge. By the way, what was I thinking? How unsafe! Thank God for protection in the midst of my ignorance. Truth be told, I didn't go online searching for men. Chatting in chat rooms was common then (Who remembers ASL?...age, sex, & location). I discovered that I was able to express myself better in writing. In the cyber world, I didn't have to worry about what I looked it was a piece of cake for me.

Next stop...COLLEGE!

You're blessed!


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Sunday, March 01, 2015

Faith, Our Access

Romans 5:2(KJV)

By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.

In the previous devotional, we spoke about the grace of God. In this post, we'll discuss how to gain access into this grace.

According to the above scripture, faith is needed to access God's grace. 

Faith says, "God I absolutely trust you with every part of my life without a shadow of doubt whatsoever. Even when opposing circumstances arise, I will still trust you." 

Faith is not wishing or hoping God will do it while having a plan b, c, and d. Faith is absolute trust in God. It is a no doubt, fear, or worry zone.

For every believer, it was God's grace that saved us (Ephesians 2:5-8), it is a gift. However we had to play a role in receiving this gift, by releasing our faith. We had to believe that Jesus was rised from the dead and confess his lorship over our lives (Romans 10:8-10).

Faith is strictly based on the Word of God (Romans 10:17). As my pastor says, "Faith begins where the Will of God is known." The Word of God is his Will.

Simply put, you can't have faith for what you have not laid hold of in God's Word. 

Nothing is impossible to the man or woman who has place their faith in God (Matthew 17:20), he/she pleases God (Hebrews 11:6). There is no way that one can please God with his/her faith in him and live an ordinary life. God will show up and show out for whoever puts his total trust in him.

When you trust God, his grace has you covered, like a limitless credit card you can swipe it anytime a need can only swipe a card when you believe (faith) that there are funds (grace) available. 

Why don't you give it a try? Believe in God's grace. Release your faith for something that you desire today. Remember not to allow fear, worry, or doubt because it will void your transaction. Keep believing until there is a manifestation. If it's in his Word, you can see it in your world...just believe!

Confession: Father, in the name of Jesus I trust you. Your Word says there's nothing impossible for those that put there faith in you. Therefore I trust you to meet all my needs by your grace. Amen.

Prayer Starter: In the name of Jesus, I come to you today father and ask that you ---mention need--- according to your grace. My faith is in you, I won't be anxious. I believe, therefore I receive this very thing. Amen

You're blessed!


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