Friday, April 01, 2016

Clarity and Confirmation

At this point in time, getting into another relationship was not on my agenda. I needed to recuperate. I was not ready at all. I was embarrassed by another failed relationship. I couldn’t believe that I allowed myself to believe a lie (that I told myself) for over a year. All the signs were there, various people tried to help me see them but I insisted that he was the “one”.

I found myself in a tug of war. God told me that the pastor is the “one” but I believed that the last two guys were the “one” also. How could I be so sure? By now, I knew without a shadow of doubt that the other two were a mistake; I couldn’t afford to make another mistake. I had to be 1000% sure. While fighting the revelation that I received about who my husband was, God started speaking to me through others.

One day my best friend and I were chatting and she sent this scripture to me: Jeremiah 3:15 And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.” She was trying to encourage me, trying to cheer me up after the breakup. When I read the scripture, I was stunned. She went on to say that she had been meditating on that scripture and that she was trusting God that we would marry men as described in that scripture.

 A few days afterwards, my dad called. We were catching up as usual then out of nowhere he said these words “Olubunmi, I believe that you’re going to marry a great man…like a pastor of something, that’s why it’s taking so long.” I sat there speechless, quietly thinking to myself “Where did that come from?” After these two incidents, I started to take the revelation seriously; there are no coincidences with God.

To be honest, I wasn’t excited about the whole thing. I dragged myself to the place of prayer. There were no butterflies in my tummy, no blushing when I saw him. I was neutral. A very long time ago, I made up my mind that I’d never marry a pastor or a doctor because they would be too busy and wouldn’t have time for family life. When I found out that he was a doctor, I gasped. God has a wonderful sense of humor!

So I took out so time to pray and fast while asking God for confirmation. This time around was different, I hadn’t gotten emotional involved with him prior to praying about us being together; that made things easier. I started off by telling God how the relationship couldn’t work. I didn’t know him, I was not attracted to him, he seemed too perfect for me, someone told me that I dressed too “flashy” for ministry, I didn’t see myself as a pastor’s wife, he wouldn’t accept my past and the list goes on and on.

After I finished my pitiful monologue, God still insisted that he was my husband. So I decided to let down my guard and be opened. During this time, I’d see him from time to time and I noticed that he was getting friendlier. He also encouraged me to finish foundation school faster than I initially intended to. He told me that he had “something” for me to do. I went ahead and speeded up the process. After completing foundation school at our church, you have to take an exam and then have an interview.

By this time, I had more confirmation. One night I had a dream and I saw myself and him in a certain place. Two baby girls were there and they were crying hysterically, I was frantically trying to calm them down until he showed up and helped me. I had no idea what that dream meant at the time. About a week later, we had a corper’s retreat. He was one of the guest ministers. After his message, he started giving prophetic words. One of the things that he said was that there was someone in that room that was going to get married that year but wasn’t engaged at the time. He went on to say that the marriage will be significant, that the couple will take young ladies off the streets and clean them up, empowering them to fulfill their purposes. As soon as he said those words, I remembered the dream and smiled.

Things were getting clearer…I was becoming more convinced.

To be continued…

You're blessed!

- Bunmi

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