Thursday, January 19, 2017

This Was Meant to Be

Source: Google

From that moment on, the good news began to spread rapidly. The news was met with a number of reactions from various people.  I was welcomed with open arms by his fellow colleagues at church. It felt good, although a part of me felt a little shy... I never subscribed to being the center of attention. Apparently the attention came with my new “title”; along with other responsibilities.  

The good thing was that after the news broke, I was finally able to speak with my mentor. We met up at a church celebration and she told me to meet her in her car. She was overjoyed and asked me how I knew that he was my husband. I shared the number of instances that led to my discovery. She also stated that she had a revelation about us being a couple on the first day she met me. It was surreal; I was amazed at how everything played out. Who would have thought that this was one of the reasons why God sent me to Nigeria?  As I’d come to find out, it was a major piece of the puzzle.

As expected, a few church members were not feeling the idea of a flashy dressing-makeup wearing-stranger from America being in a relationship with their dearly beloved pastor. Boy did I hear some things: “How can she come from nowhere and get engaged to him? She hasn’t been in church for long enough!”; “How can she marry him? I saw wearing a backless dress one day (which was absolutely false). I’m pretty sure that much more was said; because some of the looks that I got spoke volumes.

I let it get to me a bit; I started to feel self-conscious and started reconsidering my wardrobe among other things. I wanted to look, talk and act like “a pastor’s wife”. However, I was able to snap out of it before it got too far. My sweetheart encouraged me, he told me that I was perfect just the way I was. He told me that my flashy dressing/make-up wearing ways reminded him of his mom and sister; he had absolutely no issues with it.

At this time, I also remembered a word that God gave me when I first arrived in Ife. After surveying the environment, I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb. I always got attention, everyone knew that I wasn’t from there…they knew that I wasn’t from Nigeria. I didn’t even have to utter a word; forget it when I actually spoke….all heads turned and all eyes were on me. I didn’t like it one bit and I contemplated ways in which I could fit in. But God spoke these words to my heart one day “You are light, light cannot be hidden.” So I made up my mind to be unapologetic about being myself.

Shortly after, I was officially introduced to the stewards (volunteers) of the church. Boy was I embarrassed/shy/nervous! I wasn’t even hinted to the announcement prior to it being done. I was just told to wait behind the service to see one of the pastors. Before, I knew it I was on the spotlight. My mentor informed them that I was engaged to one of the pastors and asked me when they wedding was on the spot. Wedding date??? I smiled to hide my shock and quickly said June. June!!! That was 5 months away, what was I thinking???

Shortly afterwards, I met some members of his family. His parents stopped over in a town close by on their way to a wedding. We met up with them there and eventually went to the wedding also. His sister was also in Ife for some time; she came for a school program. I got to know her a bit, she was amazing. I loved his family from the first day that I met them. They were all sweet; they welcomed me with open arms. I felt loved and accepted.
Things were looking good…everything was falling into place…this was meant to be…  

To be continued...


You are blessed!

- Bunmi

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