It's one of the most wonderful times of the year! Christmas is around the corner and the New Year is almost here! There so much expectation and excitement in the air. It's one of my favorite seasons, a time to reflect on the past year and a time to prepare for the upcoming year.
For some people, it's not such a great time. Some people may have experienced some type of loss during this time and feelings of sadness or depression may be overwhelming. If you're one of such people, I pray that the Lord will comfort you and grant you unshakeable peace. Be encouraged, you're still here! There's s purpose for your life!
I hope that you all have been enjoying the Camp Chronicles series, if you missed the previous two posts, please click here: Camp Chronicles I & Camp Chronicles II.
I'd like to appreciate all those that have been giving me positive feedback on the blog, I am humbled. Thanks for reading, God bless you all!
Now unto Camp Chronicles III...
One pill that I found very hard to swallow during my time at camp was how people "fell madly in love" with one another in the space of three weeks. My cousin hinted me to this phenomenon prior to my leaving for camp, she explained to me that some ladies had "camp boyfriends" that looked out for them during camp. I really didn't grasp the extent of these "camp relationships" until I saw things for myself.
I was amazed to see how people were so loose and easy. Remember my friend that introduced me to the egusi and eba place from the last post? Unfortunately for her, she was in one of the two horrible rooms at camp. There were a total of three or four rooms for all girls, with about 40 girls each. I happened to be in the best room. The other rooms were notorious for theft, unruly girls, etc. Back to my friend, one day during the first week of camp she went to take a shower and by the time she came back all her money was gone. Surprisingly no one had any idea where her money mysteriously walked to.
A few days later, she met a guy. They became close in no time and he became her camp boyfriend. Mind you, she had an actual boyfriend back at home. One day she started bragging about him, she went on and on about how he was so nice and how he took care of her. She exclaimed "Bunmi, the other day this guy spent 900 naira on me alone". At first, I was puzzled and I didn't know how to respond. I kept quiet and allowed her to continue, but I couldn't get over how she glorified him because he spent 900 naira (at that time it was about $5.63) on her at the mami market.
And then I began to hear crazy stories. The first one was about a married woman who was caught having sexual intercourse with a guy that she met at camp during the first week. They were "doing it" in a gutter (click on link to see picture of a gutter)...sigh. Where do I start? First of all, she was married...where is her respect for the sanctity of marriage? Couldn't see wait until the end of three weeks to be intimate with her husband?!?! I didn't understand it; I wished I met her maybe she'd be able to explain. They were both expelled from camp. I wonder what she told her husband!
And then I heard numerous stories of how people were having sex on the field. The field was an open sports field, it was where we had our morning devotion at 5 am, where we were taught "martial arts" and other military activities such as marching...oh the memories...."left left, left right left". So these young men and women must have been nature lovers, because I cannot understand how they could rumble and tumble at such a place.
I also heard about people getting drunk at the mami market, I don't think that it was a good idea to sell alcohol there but I digress. Every evening, young men would splurge on young ladies. Buy them food, get them drinks, etc. The young ladies would reward them for their generosity in the bushes behind the market...hmmm...another strange place, I guess those ones loved adventure.
Then they were the ladies who slept with the soldiers and camp officials. I guess they were doing it to enjoy the "perks" of being the oga's (boss') girl. I mean if you're sleeping with the soldier, you would probably get excused from early morning devotion when the soldiers came to chase the others out. You also didn't have to obey the evening curfew. I'm really not sure of the other perks, but they definitely did not appeal to me. I was told that some ladies slept with camp officials so that they could be posted at good companies after camp. Well, I'm not sure how true that was....on the last day of camp I saw a girl in the office crying her eyes out and all her camp sugar daddy could say was "sorry".
People were really acting up, hormones were raging. It seems like some people came with a target to be wild. Many people explained to me how excited they were and how they have been waiting for this moment for so long. Little did I know the source of some of their excitement.
Now, don't get me wrong, everyone at camp was NOT loose and easy. There was just a significant amount of people that were "free".
To be continued...
You're blessed!
- Bunmi
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