“His disciples remembered that the scripture says, “My devotion to your house, O God, burns in me like a fire.””
John 2:17 GNT
But if I say I'll never mention the LORD or speak in his name, his word burns in my heart like a fire. It's like a fire in my bones! I am worn out trying to hold it in! I can't do it! NLT
While on Earth, the Lord Jesus was consumed with doing God's will. Every step he took and every move that he made was in line with God's Will. He never missed a beat, he never missed his target and he never skipped a step....he was spot on! Doing God's work consumed him...he knew where he was going and he couldn't be sidetracked. He was focused! He was fully engrossed! He was determined! He was driven! He was about his father's business!
A fire will consume every and anything that stands in its path, that's exactly what the Lord Jesus did. Whenever he showed up, he made it a point to fully represent his father. The Lord Jesus made it a duty to reveal his father to those he came in contact with is mission was "reconciling the world to God" and that's what he devoted his time on Earth to. He was absoultely consumed with his father's business(Luke 2:49).
Even as he dined with others, he was at work (Matthew 9:11-12). He seized every opportunity to bring glory to God. This didn't mean that he didn't enjoy life or that he didn't have a "social life". He was intentional and strategic. Even while in attendance at a wedding, he was still at work (John 2:1-10), bringing glory to the father.
What types of thoughts fill your mind continuously? What types of things fill up your daily agenda? What are your priorities? Are you too busy minding your own business to manage your father's business? Are you too busy chasing money when it should be chasing you? Are too busy worrying about your family? bills? finances? marriage? Etc.
The Word of God has given us the solution to living a life of abundance, “But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.”
Matthew 6:33 KJV. God knows what we need: the money, houses, cars, clothes, etc are all good things. They were created for us to enjoy, not for them to control our every waking moments.
Psalm 23 calls God, our shepherd. A shepherd feeds, guides, and protects his sheep. As long as the sheep follow their shepherd, they'll be well taken care of. The same goes for us, as we follow God's plan for our lives we would never have any lack.
One thing that is worthy of note is that Jesus never saw fulfillment of destiny as a separate part of his life. To the Lord Jesus, fulfilling destiny was his life. So everything that he did, said, and thought of were all where is sync with his calling. If we can see every aspect of our lives as ONE, we'd enjoy life a whole lot better.
As a student aim to please God by being a diligent student, as a spouse aim to please God by honoring him in your marriage, as a single person honor God with your time and resources, as a parent, raise your children in the way of the Lord, as a business person honor God be providing top notch services, etc. That's how to fulfill God's Will, showcase his glory and display his love in all that you do. Keep the fire burning!!!
As a student aim to please God by being a diligent student, as a spouse aim to please God by honoring him in your marriage, as a single person honor God with your time and resources, as a parent, raise your children in the way of the Lord, as a business person honor God be providing top notch services, etc. That's how to fulfill God's Will, showcase his glory and display his love in all that you do. Keep the fire burning!!!
Confession: In the name of the Lord Jesus, I declare that I will keep the fire burning. I choose to seek God and his kingdom first and I trust God to meet me at every point of my needs. Amen.
Prayer Starter: Heavenly Father, thank you for loving me absolutely and giving me the best of all things. In the name of Jesus, I ask for strength and grace to trust you at all times and in all things. Amen.
You're blessed!
- Bunmi
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