Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Protect your Heart

Source: Google

Your heart is the center of your being.
It is your powerhouse.
It should be handled with care.
The strength of it is determined by what you expose it to.

My son, pay attention to my words and be willing to learn; Open your ears to my sayings. Do not let them escape from your sight; Keep them in the center of your heart. For they are life to those who find them, And healing and health to all their flesh. Watch over your heart with all diligence, For from it flow the springs of life.
Proverbs 4:20-23 AMP

The above scripture tells us to keep God's Word at the center of our hearts. It farther says these Words are life, healing and health to one's flesh.

What you allow into your heart will affect your entire being. What you give attention to on a consistent basis enters your heart. If you give your attention to negative situations, circumstances, things or people, negativity will enter your heart. And negativity will hurt you and zap life out of you.
It is only the Word of God that gives life. It is highly important to watch one's thoughts. Be careful of the thoughts that you allow to enter your heart.

Finally, believers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable and worthy of respect, whatever is right and confirmed by God’s word, whatever is pure and wholesome, whatever is lovely and brings peace, whatever is admirable and of good repute; if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think continually on these things [center your mind on them, and implant them in your heart].
Philippians 4:8 AMP
Here is a checklist:
  • Is it true?
  • Is it honorable?
  • Is it worthy of respect?
  • Is it right?
  • Is it confirmed by God's word?
  • Is it pure?
  • Is it wholesome?
  • Is it lovely?
  • Is it peaceful?
  • Is it admirable?
  • Is it of good repute?
  • Is it excellent?
  • Is it worthy of praise?
If the thought is outside of this context, than it is FALSE. Reject It! Your reality is what God says to you; either through his Word or through revelation. If you see something contrary to what the Word says around you, laugh it off! It is temporary, it is subject to change.

It is your responsibility to watch over your heart. You have the power to control what can and cannot enter into your heart. You have power over your feelings and emotions. There is saying that goes, “You are what you eat", so what are you eating? Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O LORD God of hosts (Jeremiah 15:16 KJV).What are you giving your attention to? What are you feeding on? The Word (the truth) or Lies?

The truth sets free (John 8:32), while lies imprison. Lies evoke fear (false evidence appearing real). Fear leads to torment (1 John 4:18) and clouds one's judgment.

Protect your heart from lies, live free of fear. Protect your heart with the greatest security system- the Word. Do all it takes to keep the Word in your heart. The Word gives peace, it gives liberty, and it gives rest.

Confession: In the name of Jesus, I give attention to the Word of God; I feed on the Word of God daily. I protect my heart by keeping the Word at its center. I refuse to allow negative thoughts, feelings, situations and people to get into my heart. I choose to focus on the Word of God. Amen

Prayer starter: Heavenly father, I come to you today and I pray for a strong desire for your Word. I pray for the wisdom and strength to protect my heart from anything that is not of you. In Jesus' name, Amen!

You're blessed!

- Bunmi

Wait before you go:

1. If you have not received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, life won't make any sense, it will be cold and empty. You deserve more! Take a few minutes and click on the 'Come to Jesus' tab at the top of the page and be saved!

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Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Please God, Love People

Something happened a few days ago that rubbed me the wrong way.

It reminded me of a similar incident that took place a few months ago. I did all I can to make someone comfortable and happy. I later found out that she went behind my back to complain about my efforts. I was beyond hurt and disappointed. She later apologized but it took me way too long to get over it. It put me in a terrible state; I harbored unforgiveness and bitterness against her for a long while. That is a big NO! NO! It affected my relationship with her and I regretted it. So I knew better not to allow history to repeat itself.

Now onto what happened the recent incident...

A few weeks ago, someone reached out to me and shared some disheartening news with me. She is someone dear to me, someone that I've shared personal information with. Someone I truly care about. Instantly, I was shocked and at a loss for words. I was sad and felt helpless. I desperately wished that I could turn back the hands of time. But at last, it was beyond me.

I tried my best to encourage the person. I asked how they were feeling...of course, she wasn't feeling good. I just wanted to probe where her mind was at and help as much as I could.

I offered to give a listening ear if she ever needed to talk or vent about the situation. And also added a little prayer. I ended by saying I loved her and would be praying for her.

I didn't get a response, so I decided to give her some space. I reached out a few days response...I tried again a few days after that...still no response.

I've been praying for her daily since then and decided to reach out to her via another mean because I was very concerned; and because I found a resource that might be helpful to her.

I was excited to finally get a response via the other means of communication. However, after opening the message and reading it, I was crushed. It felt like a ton of bricks were thrown in my face. I was told that the previous messages were not responded to intentionally. Imagine my shock! At the end of the day, she was not happy with my response to the bad news.

I apologized, but I could tell that my apology wasn't enough.

After contemplating the issue over and over again, I heard these words in my spirit "Please God, and Love people. Only God can see your heart." Well I didn't want to hear it to be honest. I go above and beyond to be there for people. There is no problem that is shared with me that I do not do all that I can to do in my power to help, including going before the Lord in prayer about until it is resolved.

As a pastor, people come to me with their issues. At times, I have to sacrifice time, energy, resources, etc. to be there for people. It is an honor; I don't take it for granted. The late nights spent counseling people, the early mornings and other odd hours spent praying for others, sacrificing family is a privilege. Wanting to feel appreciated and be to be praised is natural. But I know much better than to live for the praises of people. I choose to cater to an audience of ONE, my one and only father in heaven. 

But my husband hit the nail on the head when I confided in him "Do it for God, not for people." I still wasn't satisfied. My heart was still hurting. Then I remembered a blog post that I read yesterday by Funto Ibuoye on the Beautified Blog. She spoke about intimacy with Holy Spirit. She mentioned a scenario in which she was looking to her husband for affirmation but didn't get it. So she decided to look to the Holy Spirit instead. I followed suit and prayed for help to get over the incident. And after a short while, I felt at peace and made a conscious effort to get over it.
To be sincere, if I had my way I'd live in my own world, on a private island far away from people. Naturally, I'm a introvert.  I've been hurt by so many people in the past, and I can get very defensive with my heart subconsciously.

But I've learned that relationships are vital and that I can't allow the past hurts to affect me. Relationships are bridges that can either take you to your destination or derail you.  Relationships are necessary. In relationships, you get what you give.  I've come to love people truly and discovered that everyone is unique; we have to learn how to love each person the way they need to be loved.

My pastor told me these words a few months ago. He said "Some people were created to live for others." I instantly discovered that I was one of those people.  Love puts other's before one's self. So I do all that I can to make sure that I impact lives and bless people. So my advice to you is to aim to be a blessing to people, not please them.

I've discovered that one of the keys to living a successful life is to live above one's feelings. Purpose is greater than pain. I cannot allow my feelings to get in the way of fulfilling my purpose. Feelings are temporary, they are fleeting, and they are conditional. Feelings can cripple, feelings can blind, and feelings can bind.

But I choose to be free. Love sets free. Love always wins. I choose to please God because he's the only one that knows the true me. I work for him, I live for him, and I am alive because of him. I owe him my all.

So, instead of being offended and hurt. I've made up my mind to love her and continue to pray for her. She's hurting, what she's going through is painful; it is something that you wouldn't wish upon your worst enemy. Obviously she confided in me because she desired some sort of comfort. I still feel terrible for not being able to provide this comfort; but I refuse to beat myself up. It is only the Holy Spirit that and give true comfort, he is the ultimate comforter.

Even if she decides to never talk to me again and continues to push me away, I will still love her. I will love her from a distance. My prayers will reach her and that's the most important thing. I want her to be whole and at peace, so I'm willing to get out of my feelings and live above them. There are more important things to focus on.


I write this blog post today because I want everyone to know, that it is possible to be in control of one's feelings. I don't need sympathy or a pat on the back. I am a work in progress and I need God's help every second, minute, hour, day, month, year, and so on. So I pride myself on yield to the Holy Spirit and allowing him to mold me and shape me daily. I will fall, I will make mistakes, I will miss it along the way...but still I rise! still I shine! Because Christ is me, glory is inevitable! 

Offenses will always come...but you don't have to take them! So be prepared, people will hurt you, they will disappoint you, lie to you, talk behind your back, cheat you, steal from you, etc. But make up your mind before it occurs to not allow those things to get the best of you. Forgive in advance and protect your heart.

In past, I was ruled by my feelings. It was a terrible way of living. I died daily because of what people said to me, thought about me and did against me. I was overwhelmed with being a people pleaser. I just wanted everyone to like. It was daunting and unsuccessful.

When you get busy with building your relationship with God and with what he has created you to do, people will automatically be attracted to you. You cannot please everyone, but you can love everyone. You can only please God, so focus on doing just that!

You're blessed!

- Bunmi

Wait before you go:

1. If you have not received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, life won't make any sense, it will be cold and empty. You deserve more! Take a few minutes and click on the 'Come to Jesus' tab at the top of the page and be saved!

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Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Pruning Season

Hello all, 

Thanks for stopping by today!

It's been a while since I posted something personal. The Lord laid it on my heart to share, I pray that this will encourage someone.


The last few months have been tough for me. I've been extremely busy and became overwhelmed about all that was going on around me. You see, I always have a plan; I like to plan ahead and have backup plans if the original one does not work. However during the course of the past few months, my plans were uprooted and thrown in my face.

I was under extreme pressure and was shocked to see some old traits resurface. I was easily angered, impatient, annoyed, sad, unfulfilled, and discouraged. To cut it short, I was a mess. Yet I tried to put up a front like all was well; because I had so many people around me. I just wanted to be alone but everything and everyone kept calling out for my attention. There was so many times where I wanted to shout "LEAVE ME ALONE!!!" or run away. But atlas, I had to go through it. I had to face the unpleasant music.

You see, God was pruning me. He was working on and in me...I call it spiritual surgery. There was some stuff that I thought I had dealt with that was just hidden under a front. There were some issues that I haven't gotten over with; they were just shoved under the rug. So here I was, naked and ASHAMED!!!

I know better, why wasn't I doing better? Why was I allowing people, things, and situations to get to me? Yeah I am not where I want to be...yeah my dreams seem far-fetched naturally speaking but come on! God has been too good to me! However at that moment, the "good" seemed insignificant...all I saw was the bad and ugly...and that is was what I focused on.

I needed help. I needed to be more patient. I needed to be more hospitable. I needed to be more flexible. I needed to be more accommodating. I needed not to be so hard on myself. I needed to learn how to manage my expectations. I needed to learn how to make lemonade out of the sour lemons that were being torn my way. I needed to relax! I needed to walk in love! I needed to trust God! I needed to dance in the midst of the storm! I needed to see the rainbow at the end of the rain storm!

I must admit that I missed it several times. I'll be good for a few days and relapse. I was emotionally unstable. I didn't want to be pruned. I did not want my faith to be tested. I did not want to be examined. I did not want to be criticized. In my mind, I was perfect and no one could tell me otherwise.

Hmm...But thank God for the growth process. We will fall but the good news is that we can get back up again by the grace of God. We must understand that tests are for the best. We must understand that pruning leads to fruitfulness. We must understand that there is no promotion without an examination. We must understand that the Lord chastises who he loves. We must understand that when tests come, they come to challenge your identity; they come to ask "Who are you?" We must understand that when we are confident of our identity in Christ Jesus, glory and honor is the result.

Growth is good. Tests are needed. Seasons come and seasons go, God is always in control. We overcome by faith; faith in the one true God. Faith in the God, with whom nothing is impossible. Faith in the almighty, all powerful, all knowing God. Faith always wins!

So what did I do? I fell on my knees and cried out to God. I repented and asked for help. Help to be a better version of myself. Help to love like he does. Help to be more patient, kind, hopeful, believe the best and endure. Then I went to the Word-the truth. I had to renew my mind; it was obvious that I missed it somewhere and started believing some lies of the enemy. I needed to be strengthened, I got the Word and joy replaced the heavy burdens. I received peace beyond measure.

No, everything was not perfect; things were still pending but I chose to rest. Faith rests. Faith trusts the invisible God to do the impossible. Faith rejoices always. Faith knows that all things work together for good. Faith knows that God always shows up on time.

My mentor was around at this time and she helped me. She saw the flaws and corrected me in love. It was a tough pill to swallow at first because I didn't want anyone to see the negatives. But I needed it. I needed to be checked. I needed to acknowledge the negatives so that I can be developed properly. People say that your attitude determines your altitude; and for where God is taking me I needed to make adjustments. So I took the correction with tears in my eyes, and I was determined to make the necessary changes.

I write this to encourage that person. That person who is hurting, that person who is confused, that person who is disappointed, that person who is feeling unfulfilled, that person who has pending prayer requests, that person who is in need of a desperate miracle. Rest. Trust God. Dance. Laugh. Rejoice...praise him in advance. Don't let that thing get the best of you! God loves you too much to desert you! Cry out to him in prayer, spend time in the Word and receive grace for this stage of your life.

You're blessed!

- Bunmi

Wait before you go:

1. If you have not received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, life won't make any sense, it will be cold and empty. You deserve more! Take a few minutes and click on the 'Come to Jesus' tab at the top of the page and be saved!

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Monday, September 05, 2016

Oluwatomiyin XI: THE END

Hello Everyone! Happy New Month! We are in the last stretch of 2016! Wow!!! You made it!!!

I pray that the rest of the days of this year will bring you joy unspeakable, endless testimonies, good news from near and far, open doors, things money can buy and things money cannot buy.  Love you all!

Now to the next and final installment of Oluwatomiyin! I hope you all have enjoyed reading this short story as much as I have enjoyed writing it!

Source: Google


That day finally arrived; the house next door was no longer empty. Our new neighbors arrived bright and early on this faithful day. I peered out of my window with so much concentration; paying attention to every detail.

It was a beautiful family, A man, a woman and two children... one girl and one boy. The children looked about five or six years old. They ran around their new compound (front yard) with so much excitement.

And then there were movers, repeatedly climb up and down the back of their truck. There was lots of boxes and baggage. There were lots of beautiful furnishings. It was a sight to behold! This family had good taste.

As I rose from my bed to start the day, I alternated between sightseeing at my window and going about my business. I was so fixated on the sights outside my window that I didn't notice when Mercy came into my room.

"Hello! Tomiyin...what are you looking at?"

She came to join me as I explained.

"Our neighbors are finally moving in!"


"I know, don't mind me. I'm so excited."

"Yeah, a little too excited if you ask me!"

“Yeah whatever, no one asked you!” I rolled my eyes.

After a few minutes, I retired from the sightseeing and joined Mercy in the kitchen.
We were making our Special Saturday Brunch. This consists of fried egg stew, fried yam, fried plantain, corn beef stew, chicken sausages, baked beans, steamed veggies and freshly squeezed fruit juice. We looked forward to our Saturday morning ritual every week. The only thing missing was mummy; she traveled for a business trip.

Later on, we decided to head to the Palm's mall. We wanted to go window shopping and watch a movie. The driver dropped us off and was instructed to pick us up in three hours.

Mercy wanted to watch "Frozen", I reluctantly agreed after going back and forth. We agreed to return next week and watch the movie I wanted to watch “12 years a slave". Surprisingly, I enjoyed watching "Frozen", it had a very good storyline; it reminded me that family is one of God's greatest gifts.

After the movie we couldn't help it, we had to stop by Coldstone to get some ice cream. We both love ice cream! We barely got our spoons into our mouths when the driver called to inform us that he was outside. So we gathered our belongings and met him in the parking lot.

Thankfully traffic wasn't too bad. We got home and headed to our individual rooms to prepare for church in the morning. We were invited by a friend to his church "This Present House". We heard a lot of great things about the church and were looking forward to service the next morning.

Just before I called it a night, I decided to peep out the window just one more time. As I did, I caught a glimpse of the woman from next door doing the same. Our eyes met and I quickly drew the curtains back as I was embarrassed because I got caught.

Even though our eyes only met for a few seconds, there was something about that woman. Within those few seconds I felt something that I couldn't describe. Maybe it was some kind of connection? Like maybe we were supposed to meet or something? Or maybe I was just overreacting and overthinking everything. I brushed those thoughts aside as I said my prayers.

Church was awesome; the choir was amazing and the Word was spot on! Mercy and I enjoyed ourselves in God's presence. We were so glad that our friend Chima invited us.

As we were heading out, I saw them. Our new neighbors, they were coming for the second service as we were leaving the first service. I wanted to walk by without acknowledging them, but our eyes met again.

The woman smiled and said “Good morning, Happy Sunday."

I blushed and quickly looked away; I said "Good morning ma, same to you" As I quickly walked past her.

"Tomiyin, do you know her?" Mercy asked

"Not really, that's just our new neighbor."

"Ooohhh, no wonder!"  Mercy laughed

"Stop laughing jor!" I was slightly embarrassed, as I remembered being caught the night prior.

"She kept staring at you even after you walked passed her. She definitely knows it's you! Hahaaaa… amebor (nosey) thingz" Mercy laughed harder.

I was so happy when I caught glimpse of Chima. I needed to change the subject ASAP. He thanked us for honoring his invite and took us to lunch at a Chinese restaurant after. We had lots of fun, good food and great laughs.

At last we had to say our good byes and headed home. We had to get the house ready because Mummy was returning tomorrow and also it was the beginning of another school week.

The school day went by so fast. I couldn't wait to get home and see all the goodies that mummy brought back for us from Abuja. Mercy and I were beyond excited, she always returned from her business trips bearing gifts.

After the driver dropped us off at home, she called Mercy to inform her that she just landed. Mercy and I started rejoicing as we prepared dinner. We made her favorite pounded yam and efo riro (Nigerian dishes).

Two hours later, she was at the door. We ran to welcome her and gladly grabbed the bags out of her driver's hands.

"Mummy! How was your trip??? We missed you!" You would have thought that we rehearsed it.

"It was good, we thank God. I missed my girls too". She gave us kisses on our cheeks.

" Mmm...something smells good in here!" She proceeded to the kitchen.

"Aww my favorite! You girls are the best! Let me quickly go take a shower and we'll have dinner together."
We talked our way through dinner. We filled her in on what she's missed for the past week and she shared her business trip gist. We laughed and laughed and laughed. Good times!

"Mummy, guess what?" I said

"Yes sweetheart"

"Our neighbors have finally moved in!" I couldn't hide my excitement.

"Here we go again!" Mercy said. She proceeded to tell mummy how I got caught spying on our neighbors.

They both laughed, I ended up joining them and we all laughed.

"It’s okay Tomiyin; we will go there and introduce ourselves to them."

Now that's what I wanted to hear!

Everyone was so busy during the week. Saturday finally came around. After having our normal Saturday brunch Mummy suggested that we head next door to meet the neighbors.

We all took baths, got dressed and headed over. The gateman seemed surprised when he heard us knocking on the gate. He asked who we were and said he'd be right back. He had to inform his boss. About two minutes later he was back and told us to come in.

Armed with the fruits and drinks that we brought as gifts, we walked in. When we got to the front door of the house, we pressed the doorbell. A young girl opened the door and introduced herself as Sylvia. She said that her madam (boss) would be with us shortly.

"Taiwo...Kenny, stop playing rough! Come on, let's go we have visitors." We heard her voice from upstairs.

We rose to our feet as we heard her footsteps on the staircase.

"Hello, Good afternoon!" We heard her voice before she made it to the bottom of the stairs.
Her and mummy's reaction was priceless as they both did a double take.

"Wait! Jumoke! Is that you????" Mummy asked.

"Oh my goodness!!! It is a lie!!!" The lady said.

"Susan it is me ooo...wait are you my neighbor? I can't believe this!"

They hugged one another and jumped up and down like teenagers.

"Are these your children? They're so cute!" Mummy stated                                                    

"Yes, my Taiwo and Kenny."

"Good afternoon ma." They said in unison.

"Good afternoon my loves!" She hugged them.

"Are these your girls??? They're gorgeous."

We both greeted her.

All of a sudden mummy got quiet and looked uncomfortable. It seemed like the euphoria just disappeared. She had a confused look inked all over her face.

"Susan, what's up? Are you okay?" Mrs. Jumoke asked.

"Yeah, I am fine. Sorry just thought of something."

We stayed briefly and mummy said she had to go. She said we would come back later.
When we got home she was acting restless. Shortly after she retreated into her room and said she had to take a nap.

Later that evening, while we sat at the dinner table she said she had to tell us something as she fidgeted with her food.

"I really don't know how to say this. I've been thinking about it all day. Replaying this conversation in my head continually."

Mercy and I had concerned looks on our faces. She looked so troubled.
"Tomiyin, that lady that we met this afternoon..."

"Our neighbor?"  I asked

"Yes, our neighbor. Ummm, she is...she is your mother."

I dropped my spoon and jaw at once.

"What are you kidding me???" I couldn't believe my ears.

"I am serious dear." She looked at me intently

I just sat frozen in time; I didn't know whether to laugh or cry; to be sad or happy. I looked at Mercy for comfort; she looked more confused than I did.

The next day, Mummy decided to go meet with her one on one and inform her of the news.

That one hour that she spent in her house felt like eternity.

When she came back, I searched her face for an answer. I didn't get one.
She sat me down.

"Tomiyin, I've informed her. She was very shocked at first, but she is very happy now."

I nodded as I hung on to every word.

"She actually went to the village three weeks ago to look for you but nobody had an answer. She has been trying to connect with you for years but big mummy didn't think it was a good idea, she told her to move on with her life. She didn't think that her husband would accept you and she didn't want you to be hurt all over again. She was not informed when big mummy passed away. She only found out when she returned to Nigeria and went to the village to look for you."

I sat speechless; was this a dream?

Was this really happening? Was this the connection that I felt the other day? Is this the reason why I was so excited? I didn’t get it! It did not make sense!

I had to pinch myself to come back to reality.

A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door.

It was her. It was my mother.

Before I could think twice, I ran into her arms. She embraced me and we both cries tears of joy. It was a beautiful reunion. Every feeling of hurt, neglect and disappointment ceased at that moment. I fell in love with her instantly.

We spent the rest of the night together, catching up on the past sixteen years. It was like I've always known her. I looked into her eyes and I saw myself. We looked just alike; I didn’t notice it before now.

I later went on to meet her husband and my half siblings.

The next few months were awesome. I finally had my own family. I finally had answers. The void in my heart was now filled. I reflected on all the events that led to this moment and I marveled at God.

Indeed God makes all things beautiful in its time! My God is more than enough for me to praise!!!

You're blessed!

- Bunmi

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