And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent.” John 17:3 KJV
The words 'eternal life' are often misunderstood. Some mistake it
for living forever (that's just a part of it). Eternal life is a type of life. It is
Zoe (A Greek word used in the new testament), which is life as God has it. It is the type and quality of life that God
has. God cannot fail; neither can he be sick or poor. God rules over all, he is
in control and he is in charge. These are some of the characteristics of
eternal life. And to the glory of God, you can have that life also! Because
Jesus paid a precious price for it, he gave his life for you.
Furthermore, Eternal life is to know God the father as the only
true God and to know the Lord Jesus who he sent as our redeemer. It is a life given to us by God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
This life is resident in Jesus Christ and this life is the light of men (John1:4-5). We can only shine as we should (the light of the world) by accepting
and living out this life.
This life is supernatural; it is far above natural existence. It
takes its reference from above (John 3:31). The key to flourishing in this life, is have a revelation of Jesus (Philippians 3:10). We live to glorify God. As the light of the world, our duty is to
attract others to Christ by shinning in him. We do this by the knowledge of his
light (Psalm 36:9).
What is this light? It is the substance that created the heavens
and the earth.
This light is the essence of our existence. It is our education
for Godly-abundant living. This light is real, it's alive, and it is a mighty
force. This light existed before the world began. This light is the Word of
God. This light is a person. This light is our Lord and savior Jesus Christ.
As we learn to walk and fellowship with this light, we prosper in
every area of our lives. As believers, we have a treasure that abides in us.
This treasure is the precious Holy Spirit; whose job is to reveal Jesus to us (2 Corinthians 4:6-7).
Your life at this moment is a reflection of what has been
happening in you. We were created to live from the inside out; not the other
way around. We were created as children of the kingdom of light to rule and
reign. We were created to be in charge! Don't allow circumstances and
situations to room you; that's not eternal life. The supernatural life controls
the natural life. Refuse to be an ordinary human, lay hold on eternal life (1Timothy 6:12) and become a super-extraordinary individual!
As we fellowship with the Word of God, the light of God is rooted within us. The more we fellowship with it, the brighter the light will become. The brighter the light, the more abundance of life you enjoy.
You're blessed!
- Bunmi
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