But be ye doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving your own selves. (James 1:22 KJV)
The key to getting the Word of God to work for you is to be a doer of the Word. It's not enough to just hear the Word of God and gather information or head knowledge. The Word of God must be heard, believed, received and acted upon for it to bring about desired results.
For example, let's say a person is trusting God for a job. He has gathered scriptures, prayed and even fasted about it. He truly believes that God can give him a job, yet he never applies for any jobs. Instead, he wakes up every morning to play video games, while singing "God will do just what he said he would do, he's going to fulfill every promise to you! He's able!" He'll definitely be sitting there for a while.
As scripture says, faith without works is dead (James 2:26).
Faith makes moves, it acts! it's alive! it's real! it always works!
Some of us make the mistake to believe that God is a magician...FALSE!
The God that we serve is a miracle worker. And in order for him to do anything on Earth, he needs you to work with him. Working with God is so simple. He's already done the job before the foundations of the Earth, all you have to do is follow his lead. Like a GPS, he's ready to lead you down the right path. Can you trust him enough to follow even if you're not quite sure of where he's taking you?
Do you want to live an abundant life? Do you want to be successful and prosperous? Than be a DOER of the WORD!
Joshua 1:8
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
You are in charge of your prosperity, you are in charge of your success.
If you're not doing the Word, than you're busy doing something else.
If you're not doing the Word, you're worrying
If you're not doing the Word, you're complaining
If you're not doing the Word, you're afraid...etc.
Don't waste your time doing what will not yield favorable results.
Another important aspect of doing the Word is diligence(Deuteronomy 28:1). We don't do the Word for a little than give up after we've seen the desired results. Neither do we give up when it doesn't seem like nothing is happening; we walk by faith and not by sight. Once you've released your faith, the process has already begun in the spirit realm. You can delay or void your transaction if you begin to loose faith or worry.
Be diligent at doing the Word, do it because you love God and not the things that you can get from him. Do it because as a believer, the right way to live is by his Word (Matthew 4:4).
All round prosperity is the result of obeying EVERYTHING in the Word, not somethings, the Word that we give heed to in a particular area of our life is what will produce or work for us. Just take a look at your life, you'll see it for yourself!
Be a doer of the Word, don't deceive yourself by believing that all you have to do is hear the Word. The Word has become real to you when it has moved you into action. It is then that you go from words on the pages of the bible to connecting with the spirit that inspired those words.
Confession: I am a doer of the Word. I am prosperous and successful as I mediate on the Word and observed to do it in Jesus' name. Amen.
Prayer Starter: Father I thank you for your Word. I receive the grace to be a doer of your Word and not just a hearer. In Jesus' name. Amen.
You're blessed!
- Bunmi
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You're blessed!
- Bunmi
Wait before you go:
1. If you have not received Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, life won't make any sense, it will be cold and empty. You deserve more! Take a few minutes and click on the 'Come to Jesus' tab at the top of the page and be saved!
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Thanks ma
ReplyDeleteThank God! Thanks for reading