Wednesday, March 11, 2015

College Dayz


Thanks for stopping by today! Read below and enjoy!

Graduation from Highschool was around the corner and the time came when we had to start applying for college. And the dilemma struck again, what do I major in?!?! My parents had many people come to talk to me and convince me that nursing, law, medicine is the way! 

But I wasn't having it...I contemplated psychology but when I mentioned it to my parents, they almost called for a deliverance service for me! However, I managed to apply for college, in the mist of so much discouragement from various college advisor even told me not to bother applying for some schools because my GPA of about 80 wasn't good enough...somehow someway, I mustered up the courage to apply anyway and thankfully I got into a good school! The State University of New York (SUNY) Albany, located in upstate New York. I got accepted but didn't declared a major right away.

Shortly after, I discovered that another Nigerian girl who attended my high school was attending SUNY Albany also. We were not friends throughout high school, but once we discovered that we were attending the same school we exchanged numbers and kept in touch. We also became roommates. She was such a great roommate (the best I ever had), she was definitely God sent. We are still friends today. 

We had to attend a summer program at SUNY Albany. It was an experience, I met a lot of interesting people. It was a good introduction into the college lifestyle. We were required to take a few classes and lived with a certain number of roommates, etc. 

We returned for the first semester and we hated it. Albany, NY is a small town. And being from New York City, it was difficult for us to adjust. We were doing very well in our classes but were extremely bored. There wasn't much to do besides drink, party, smoke, and shop. We succumbed to the latter, we shopped a lot and traveled home every chance we got. 

We stood out from the crowd; it wasn't intentional, it was natural. We were different and we refused to fit in. Some people believed that we were 'stuck up', while others really liked and us and some literally stalked us (there was one girl that I had to practically hide

We decided to do something about our discontentment. My roommate kept mentioning a school that I had no prior knowledge of...Howard University (HU). She told me that her cousin was a student there and raved about how great it was. It had many more options for majors, everyday was a fashion show, it was located in beautiful Washington, DC and it was lots of fun! I contemplated transferring to HU for some time.

By the end of our first year, we couldn't take it anymore. It was so bad, we even lost weight. I didn't need anymore convincing. We both applied to HU and got ACCEPTED! However, some friends and family nembers tried to talk me out of going because it is a private institution, which meant that tution was almost double the price of my current school. I heard them, considered it, but went ahead to HU. It turned out to be a great decision! God was definetly leading me even when I wasn't aware of it. He used my lovely roomie to lead me to his purpose for my  life.

We started Howard the next semester, along with my roommates' best friend and cousin. We were all inseparable, took the same classes, ate together, partied together, etc. 

Until next time...

You're Blessed!


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