In the previous post I gave you a very brief overview of my childhood as it pertains to me trying to discover my purpose.
Now, buckle up! And let's proceed....
I went through Elementary School (Primary School for my Nigerian readers) and Junior High School (JSS for my Nigerian readers) with this dilemma, it bothered me more in Junior High School because I attended what is classified as a 'gifted and talented school', admission was based on merit...yet I felt so ungifted and untalented! My classmates were flourishing in various subjects: Art, Mathematics, Sciences, Music, etc. I was just there, bored and uninterested in any of the above.
I was an average student that mostly lived in her imagination. In my imagination, life was perfect and I ruled the world!...I wasn't too fond of school but I knew it was a requirement for success in life (that's what mommy and daddy told me). I longed for something more, something greater, something beyond the walls of a school building.
Eventually, I joined the band at school but I didn't last long. My instrument of choice was the viola (similar to the violin) but I just couldn't get it...we had an excellent instructor but once I struck those strings, what you heard was catastrophic. Within a few weeks, my instructor told me to see her after class and she let me down easily. Long story short, she told me that I would be better off in the choir *insert-very-loud-laughter* Although I've always desired to sing (and still do occasionally...hehe) my voice needs more than training, it needs a divine intervention! So yea, I just remained in the choir as an "alto" until I left junior high school.
The time came when we were about to graduate, so we began to look for high schools that we wanted to attend. There were various criteria for each school and some of them had a particular area of focus (i.e. Sports, Arts, etc). After much frustration I opted for a school that focused on Health Sciences (Dentistry, Nursing, etc), I chose this school partly because I knew people who attended the school and secondly because it was an easy school to get into.
Once I got to High School, a whole new world opened up to me!!! Chai, see life! (Translation: Omg, is this life!?!?) Trying to discover my purpose wasn't my only dilemma now, trying to stay away from negative influences and holding on to my Godly principles was more of a challenge.
There was a lot more freedom in High School, you could dress anyway you was like a fashion show everyday and "keep up with the joneses" wasn't easy, high end designers filled the hall ways...from Jordans to GUESS, also your hair always had to be on point (a nice perm or weave would do), along with extra long artificial nails and cute pedicures. I also got introduced to a social life...there were parties every weekend.
During a regular day at school, it wasn't surprising to hear that someone got caught in the staircase while smoking weed. Drinking alcohol was the "in" thing even though most people were underage (21 is the legal drinking age), and oh yes there was was the norm..."everyone" was doing it...there was one year in particular when some people just decided to loose their virginity...of course with sex came babies, my school was notorious for teenage pregnancy. I attended Clara Barton High School commonly known as 'Clara Abortion' because of the high pregnancy rates.
Not before long I found myself caring less about my purpose. I figured, I'll go to College and study whatever, get a job or two, get married, have children and live happily ever after...after all that's what I saw around me, most of the adults that I knew worked two to three jobs barely having time for their families, leaving most of their children to fend for themselves and be raised by the streets, then they came to church on Sundays looking all dolled up, and spent tons of money on clothing, jewelry, shoes, and bags awaiting the next party where they would "fun won tan" (Translation: show off). I mean by this time, I've accepted it as reality. I wasn't happy about it because my dreams were so much better but, hey!
Shortly after, I got my first official job at Wendy's...most of my peers worked, that's how you managed to keep up with the joneses when daddy and mommy's money ran out...well that's for those that had father' was in High School that I discovered that a lot of people didn't grow up with a dad....I was shocked because I don't know what I'd do without my dad
So, I started making my own money...finally started dressing decent, managed to afford a few name brand items, get my hair and nails done, even though I didn't get paid much (Minimum wage then
was about $7 then). As a result of working at a fast food restaurant plus my love for food my hips started more skinny girl. I was becoming a 'woman' and I noticed that I started receiving a lot of attention from the opposite sex also, which was new to me....
And the story continues....until next time!
You're blessed!
Wait, before you go...
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